Pope Francis and Communism

May God forgive me, the readers too, but doubt assails and invades me. Does Francisco sleep with a Bible under his pillow or with a copy of Capital or The Communist Manifesto?

English20 de junio de 2023 Redacción ENC

Many people in the world wonder if Pope Francis is a communist. Even many Catholics feel confused or overwhelmed by Jorge Mario Bergoglio's relationship with the dictatorships of the so-called Socialism of the 21st Century. Indeed, it is a connection that no other pontiff has ever had.

Regimes of a communist nature are responsible for the deaths of millions of 150 million human beings, among them millions of Christians.

The names of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Fidel Castro are linked to evil. Faithful Catholics know this. This trinity of heresy without limits, which has created or shaped other earthly monsters, is a sacrilege to the foundations and most elementary practice of faith.

Many believers, without doubting their belief in God and the importance of the Church's social role, doubt the opportunistic character that sometimes arises from human beings, whoever they are or claim to be. Life is an entire labyrinth. Some involve the darkest path, and others involve the problematic path of learning towards the light, which is not always superficial.

How can we understand the actions of the current Supreme Pontiff? Why is everything that we see happening on the surface? What is behind this uncomfortable time for so many millions of parishioners?

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Countless words, actions, or inactions by Pope Francis abruptly lead to complacency toward dictatorships and leaders. Why does he arm himself with leftist chants and forget to take the side of those in need to ally himself with the hierarchical forces of totalitarian power?

Expressions of radical differences between Pope Francis and John Paul II regarding relations with communist dictators are common among those who profess their faith in God and Jesus Christ.

Many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of ​​not only not applauding but even labeling, as a grave error, the Pope's alliances with those responsible for communist repression in the 21st century. Some remain silent about his ideas out of fear or respect. Some speak of betrayal and sacrilege. And others believe deeply in the power of dialogue and the search for the truth God has given us.

Francisco agreed to be part of the mockery of Evo Morales when he ripped the semantic content of the crucifixion by giving him a sculpture that he fused with the symbols of communism. It is worth remembering that the system has the most documented deaths, well above the holocaust (around 150 million are counted). It was not surprising that the apprentice of Bolivian Castroism mocked the church. However, the Pope accepted it as a relic and listened to me, "The one who kills the cow is as much to blame as the one who puts up with its leg."

In 2013, Jonathan Freedland, in the article "Why even atheists should be praying for Pope Francis" for the British Guardian newspaper, argued that the pope "could replace Obama as the photographic model on every progressive and leftist wall." In 2016, the Wall Street Journal saw another publication titled "How Pope Francis Became the Leader of the Global Left."

Francisco confessed when his close associate Antonio Spadaro SJ interviewed him, "I have never been on the right."
An investigative work by Daniel Iglesias Grèzes for infocatólica underlines that "in 2010, in another interview, Jorge Mario Bergoglio acknowledged having been attracted to communism in his adolescence. "I had an extraordinary boss, Esther Balestrino de Careaga, a Paraguayan sympathizer of communism... She taught me the seriousness of work. I owe a lot to that great woman. My mind was not only set on religious issues, but I also had political concerns, although they did not go beyond the intellectual level. I read Our Word and Purposes, a publication of the Communist party, and I loved all the articles by one of its conspicuous members and a well-remembered man from the world of culture, Leónidas Barletta, who helped me in my political formation".

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Iglesias Grèzes emphasizes that "while already being Pope, Francis organized four World Meetings of Popular Movements, in which leftist movements participated above all. The Pope personally participated in the first three, which took place in Rome (2014), in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (2015), and again in Rome (2016). The fourth took place without him in Modesto, California (2017). Two of the main figures that Francisco relied on to organize these meetings were Marxists: the Argentine Juan Grabois and the Brazilian Joao Pedro Stédile".

Francisco admitted ties to the communist regime in Havana: "I confess, I have a human relationship with Raúl Castro," he said. Perhaps based on that attraction, he ignores the oppression and abuse of Castroism against the very people that the Pope should defend.

As if that were not enough, Bergoglio went so far as to proclaim that "Cuba is a symbol; Cuba has a great history." Will this Pope live on the same planet as me? These statements were made one year after the historic protests of July 11 and 12 that detonated the cruelest side of the dictatorship.

Now, he opens the doors of the Vatican to the designated successor, Miguel Díaz Canel, responsible for activating the rapid response brigades, police force, and army to massacre protesters. After a meeting with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, with whom he discussed "the importance of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Cuba," among other issues, the Cuban ruler had his meeting with the Catholic boss. Until now, the details of the conversation have not been revealed, although he learned that the Pope gave the dictator a bronze dove with an olive branch with the inscription "Be messengers of peace" and received a silver sculpture from the dictator. , bronze and wood, titled "El Lector," and two volumes of Cuban poets.

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In St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, a dozen free Cuban opponents gathered waving flags and banners calling for "Respect for human rights in Cuba," "Homeland and life," and "Cuba is a dictatorship."

Cardinal Beniamino Stella, an envoy in Havana in February, demanded the release of political prisoners. "It is also important that the young people, who have expressed their thoughts and have done so in the way we know how, can return to their homes."

However, Díaz Canel, his cronies, and the political police continue to act with total impunity, and Pope Francis... well, and you?

It is necessary to remind the pontiff that the balance of the protests was one dead, dozens injured, and some 1,300 detainees, according to the NGO Cubalex. Some 773 people are still behind bars. According to official figures, at least 490 received sentences, some up to 25 years in prison, although activists and organizations use higher data.

May God forgive me, the readers too, but doubt assails and invades me. Does Francisco sleep with a Bible under his pillow or with a copy of Capital or The Communist Manifesto?

Catholics and Protestants know perfectly well that faith has its roots in God and is solely and essentially directed towards God. This conviction is the most crucial weapon in situations like this, where light and darkness struggle to dominate the end of an era that, although similar to others, is marked by new phenomena.

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Traducción al inglés de un texto originalmente escrito español por nuestros redactores Yoandy Castañeda y Luis Leonel León

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