“They are the ones who killed RTV Marti. Trump just signed the death certificate”
“They are the ones who killed RTV Marti. Trump just signed the death certificate”
The movie theater employees turned on the lights when the movie showed an American flag in a Western cowboy scene. And again, they turned them on when a ham came out, yes, a ham, because food was already scarce in 1961
Marxism weighs more on positive liberty and positive law. As such, the communist project, with its dependence on structural repression to achieve its ends, could be welcomed by Lenin, Mao, or Castro, but not by Martí or Lincoln
May God forgive me, the readers too, but doubt assails and invades me. Does Francisco sleep with a Bible under his pillow or with a copy of Capital or The Communist Manifesto?
Salinas has defended her constitutional rights as a mother to direct her children's education and oppose indoctrination, ideologization, Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, and the misrepresentation of the history of the United States and Cuba in public schools.
Trump, who, without a doubt, promoted and united the MAGA movement (Make America Great Again) throughout the country, is today the most popular figure of Republicans at the national level
They are socialists who live on capitalist money. They are activists who put on the clothes of anti-racism to amass fortunes.
Marco Rubio to MLB: Dodgers are not "inclusive and cordial" with Christians
It is not uncommon to find those who, to defend socialism, separate it from communism as if they were poles apart, or at least distant. “It is not the same” is his fragile shield, his childish justification of inevitable Marxist essence.
Bearing witness. Sacred labor of all creators. And even more so if we are concerned, as in the case of Osorio, with an artist of the unexpected. The countenances that captivate and obsess him are inevitable paths in the pursuit of responses to human behavior
Hoy, las viejas canciones de Marta Kubišová, que estuvo censurada por el régimen comunista durante más de 20 años, también enternecen, ponen melancólicos y hacen llorar a ciertos tercamente masoquistas ancianitos checos que aún sienten nostalgia por el pasado comunista
El exagerado secretismo oficial y la opacidad de los medios estatales son los culpables de la existencia de “las bolas”, y de que estas proliferen, rueden y crezcan cual si fueran de nieve
La mayor amenaza para Estados Unidos y Occidente proviene de los regímenes y sus representantes que suscriben los modelos de creencias marxista-leninista e islámicos. Los narcotraficantes del sur de la frontera y los cárteles que distribuyen el veneno tienen una relación simbiótica, directa o indirecta, con el socialismo latinoamericano
“They are the ones who killed RTV Marti. Trump just signed the death certificate”
La VOA produjo artículos como "Privilegio blanco: cómo saber si eres parte de él", atacó a la industria de los combustibles fósiles al tiempo que ofrecía publicidad gratuita para la energía solar y eólica, creó una sección especial sobre el orgullo gay que desalentó a muchos oyentes africanos y, según investigadores del Congreso, permitió que los servicios lingüísticos fueran "subvertidos" por los mismos gobiernos totalitarios contra los que se suponía que debían trabajar