Marco Rubio denounces the behavior of the Los Angeles Dodgers

Marco Rubio to MLB: Dodgers are not "inclusive and cordial" with Christians

English 15 de mayo de 2023 REDACCIÓN ENC

rubio vs dodgerThrough a statement, Senator Marco Rubio denounces the Los Angeles Dodgers who plan to award a "Community Hero Award" to an anti-Catholic group of drag queen activists. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence feature men dressed as Catholic nuns who mock the faith with the slogan, "Go sin some more!".

US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to Major League Baseball (MLB) commissioner Rob Manfred, questioning whether the League is "inclusive and welcoming" to Christians.

"The 'sisters' are men who dress in lewd imitation of Catholic nuns. The group's motto, "Go and sin some more," is a perversion of Jesus' command to "Go and sin no more." The group's "Easter" ceremony features children's programming followed by a drag show where adult performers dress up in blasphemous impersonations of Jesus and Mary. The group organizes pub crawls mocking the Stations of the Cross and even the Eucharist, the sacrament that unites more than a billion Catholics worldwide.

"Do you think the Los Angeles Dodgers are being 'inclusive and friendly' to everyone by awarding a group of gay and transgender drag performers who intentionally mock and demean not only Christians but also nuns, who dedicate their lives to serve others?"

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