Radical left persecutes and harasses mothers for defending the rights of parents and children

Salinas has defended her constitutional rights as a mother to direct her children's education and oppose indoctrination, ideologization, Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, and the misrepresentation of the history of the United States and Cuba in public schools.

English 29 de mayo de 2023 Redacción ENC

Daily Salinas is a woman who, as most should, advocates for the rights of our children and our rights as parents. Salinas has not stood idly by and has denounced facts that show how education can turn into ideological indoctrination when parents do not supervise it.

Press outlets such as The Guardian, Miami Herald, and Univision 23 published headlines. They carried out reports calling Daily Salinas anti-Semitic, being linked to fascist groups and the extreme right, taking as a source tweets from the group "Miami Against Fascism" and even demonizing that it is "conservative."

Salinas has defended her constitutional rights as a mother to direct her children's education and oppose indoctrination, ideologization, Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, and the misrepresentation of the history of the United States and Cuba in public schools.  

El Nuevo Conservador, in co-production with KVC MEDIA, dedicated a special broadcast of the program Al Pan Pan, a show that analyzes the news, without mincing words, presented by the journalist Yoandy Castañeda, and produced by the writer and documentalist Luis Leonel León.

We thank Immigration attorney Mayra Joli, in whose office, is located in downtown Miami, the press conference on the Salinas case was held. Only one media outlet attended the event: El Nuevo Conservador.

I am grateful for the continuous support of Top Tracking System, Elite Insurance & Beyond, The Elite Carrier Services of Miami, and KVC MEDIA. Thank you! 

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